CPR & First Aid Training Programs
We offer CPR & First Aid Training Programs to community businesses, organizations and residents. If you would like to schedule a course, or attend an already scheduled class, please contact the Madison County Emergency Medical District CPR Coordinator at thull@madisoncountyemd.org.
Station Tours
Station Tours at Station 281 and Station 282 can be scheduled by calling the Administration Offices at (740) 852-5390, or by emailing info@madisoncountyemd.org.
Blood Pressure Checks
Blood pressure checks can be done at the convenience of the resident by visiting either station. Crews may be unavailable due to 911 calls, therefore you can check to see if someone is available by calling (740) 852-5390.
Community Education Classes
The District provides safety and prevention educations programs to area school-children, residents, businesses and organizations at no cost. These programs include Hands-only CPR, Stop The Bleed, and more. If you would like to discuss speaking and training opportunities our personnel can provide, please email info@madisoncountyemd.org.
911 Response
The Madison County Emergency Medical District is a third-service 911 agency that provides emergency ambulance response to the residents of Deercreek, Monroe, Oak Run, Paint, Somerford, and Union Townships.
Event Coverage
The District is proud to support various community events throughout the year, including the Farm Science Review, National Night Out, athletic events, and more. If you believe your event would benefit from EMS coverage, please contact us at info@madisoncountyemd.org.
Inter-facility Transports
The Madison County Emergency Medical District is a third-service 911 agency. However, when our district residents or our partners at Madison Health and MedFlight need support, one of our ambulances can be used to transport patients from hospital to hospital.
Other Services
Not finding the service you are looking for? Reach out to the District via email at info@madisoncountyemd.org and tell us how we can help!